Well... another wonderful trip to the great ADKs. Good friends, climbing mountains and havin fun. We braved the elements, and conquered 4 peaks, all in one day: Upper and Lower Wolfjaw, Armstrong, and Gothics. Didnt have the best of weather, but we had a great time anyway. That brings me to 11. 35 more to go!
Well, the time has come... we started stripping. Friday night we put our first strips on the strongback, and now with six strips, the boat is beginning to take shape.
Wrapping up the last days of work at the Villa. Cant wait to be done there. Soon I will again venture to the great ADKs with some good friends, and return with a clear mind, and new perspective. This pic really has nothing to do with anything, I just needed one to put on this post and like this one.
Its been a long time comin', but I finally got a new job. I will be the Youth Director at Faith Lutheran Church in Penfield. I turned in my two weeks yesterday and called to accept the job. I learned a lot while at the Villa, but will not miss it at all. I am excited about the potential that this job offers and look forward especially to more time with the wife. (-: God Is Good!!!