Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Big Slide '08

The ambitious hikers before tackling Big Slide Mt, elevation 4240', #27 on the 46er list

Makin' our way

The blowing wind and snow required that we cover up those ugly mugs. Not much of a view at this point. Here we are on the first of the three brothers (a mounain range) that lead to the top

Halfway there

The higher we go, the more fresh powder we encounter

Mountain man

A look at what's to come

Before the final summit

Gorgeous view before the peak

Peak number 12 for me

Good friends

At the top! What a view. The higher up we went, the better the weather got. By the top it was nothin but blue skies and mountain tops

A pause on the way down to reflect

Back down we go...

Tuesday, March 18, 2008


Soon we will brave the elements, forgo the common conveniences of life, and take on the mighty Adirondacks. Should be a great weekend.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

The culprit is caught

For about a week now, at night, and in the morning, it sounds like a human is walking above the roof in our back room. After a while, hearing scrapping and scratching noises, it was obvious that some sort of animal was up there. After contacting animal control, who brought out a havaheart trap, and waiting for a couple of days, our little friend came out of our house and into the trap. Another trap is set in case there is more than one. Here's hopin there isnt.

Monday, March 10, 2008


This weekend Victoria and I went to Michigan to visit some friends/relatives, and I got the chance to do some climbing at a sweet rock gym. Lotsa fun.

Monday, March 3, 2008



As I pull out of the drive from work to go home, this is what I see.