Wednesday, October 1, 2008

New Neighbors

As Mookey and I step outside for our morning walk, we discovered 3 furry intruders in our neighbor's tree. This brings me back to a time when...
Another neighbor proceeded to tell me that she has 10-12 of these guys in her back yard. Lets hope they dont take over.


victoria said...

i'm not a fan of raccoons and the noises they were making this morning were unsettling...but this picture is cute.

Nate and Dorothy said...

Yeah man, great pic. Last time I saw a raccoon, i was surprised at how bold they are -- not really scared of humans. I say call the father-in-law and shoot them.

Rachel said...

the noises they make when they are fighting are awful! don't let Mookie tangle with one!

rachel said...

oh my gosh SICK.
victoria, i am astounded at your comment. need i remind you of the atrocious foot steps you will soon be hearing in your attic if those frickers are not abolished?!
get it oooout.