Wednesday, June 4, 2008

A taste of whats to come...

As much as I wish that I could go to the Adirondacks more, I am sometimes forced to realize how lucky I am to go as much as I do. Memorial Day weekend I took a group from church (see post below). This weekend I will be venturing into the wild with some good buddies. Below is a picture of Mt. Marcy, the tallest peak in New York State, as seen from Algonquin, the second highest. In a couple days, I will be on the top of Marcy, looking across at Algon. We plan to do two others, bringing my total to 15 out of 46 of the ADK high peaks. We shall see what the return post has in store...
P.S. Thank you to my wonderful, awesome wife who supports, encourages and allows me to do these trips. I am so thankful to have someone like her that knows how much these trips bring such peace to my life. Thanks Babe!
Here's the roster for this weekend...

Jeremy "the grizzly " Carrier

Tom "Wild Man" Grant

Mario "the Mountain" Bianco

And yours truly, Jer "Eagle Eye" Gerhardt


rachel said...

can't see the pic of your climbing buddies, but that picture of you is AWESOME. it's pretty much like you're just chilling in the sky.

victoria said...

so is that what you men do at your little planning meetings?? come up with nicknames for each other? hehehe. :)

Chris said...

I hope you had an awesome trip to the 'Daks Jer. I can understand the peace it does bring to your life. I'd certainly like to find some of that peace in my life right now becuase things are just CRAZY. But it's all good, because my wonderful and loving wife supports me through everything as well. We are both very lucky men :)

rachel said...

thanks for the comment on my photo - i stole the idea from your pic! :)